Religious Motifs in Polish Contemporary Art Using the Crucifixion: An Outline of the Problem

Keywords: crucifixion, iconography, contemporary art


Sacred motifs have a long tradition in art and ample figurative representation. They have been present in the visual arts for numerous reasons, from the need to identify faith to artistic expression based on commonly-known truths and stories saturated with meaning. In the art of the twentieth century, Christian motifs were often an excuse to speak about the world, its threats and fears, and the human condition. Polish artists frequently availed themselves of religious symbols and systems in the post-war era, and during the political transforma­tion of the 1980s, they became a way to articulate uncertainty, expectation, and hope for change. Today, the religious trope is a pretext for artistic commentary on religion, social problems, and internal issues of the creators themselves. The article explores the causes and the nature of artistic practice rooted in Christian iconography in Polish contemporary art, with a particular emphasis on the motif of the crucifixion.

Author Biography

Beata Bigaj-Zwonek, Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow

Dr. hab., painter, professor at the Ignatianum Aca­demy in Krakow. Her research interests include art and culture, in parti­cular the issues of artistic creation and the creative process.


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How to Cite
Bigaj-Zwonek, B. 2020. Religious Motifs in Polish Contemporary Art Using the Crucifixion: An Outline of the Problem. Perspectives on Culture. 28, 1 (Mar. 2020), 149-166. DOI: