Phoenix and Delphinus Salvator: The History of the Forgotten Images of Early Christian Iconography

Keywords: history of the ancient church, history of early Christian art, phoenix, delphinus salvator, Christus Delphinus Salvator


Art in the 3rd and 4th centuries underwent transformations and adapted cer­tain representations which were typical of ancient iconography to the new needs and tasks of Christian art. Among the abundant examples of this pro­cess, many continue to be popular and recognizable, such as the representation of Hermes Kriophoros, which evolved to become Christ the Good Shepherd, or the sleeping Endymion, which became part of the “Jonah cycle.” The adaptation of patterns from antiquity for the purposes of Christian iconography was both popular and quite common, but only a fraction of the representations developed in that period survive today. This paper discusses the representa­tions that have been forgotten. Relying on the examples of the phoenix and the dolphin-rescuer, the paper analyzes factors that affected the partial (phoenix) or complete (delphinus salvator) disappearance of images which were typical of early Christian art and which relied on ancient imagery.

Author Biography

Józef Cezary Kałużny, The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow

Dr. hab. of the humanities in history, Assistant Professor at the Institute of History of the Department of Ancient and Medieval History at the Pontifical University of John Paul II, graduate of the Pontifical University of John Paul II and the Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana in Rome, member of the Historical Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Theological Society in Kra­kow. He is the creator and editor-in-chief of the series Christian antiquity: Collected materials [ Starożytność chrześcijańska. Materiały zebrane]. His research concentrates on early Christian culture and issues related to the material and spiritual heritage of the ancient Church.


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How to Cite
Kałużny, J.C. 2020. Phoenix and Delphinus Salvator: The History of the Forgotten Images of Early Christian Iconography. Perspectives on Culture. 30, 3 (Dec. 2020), 9-26. DOI:
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