Géraud de Veyrines, Bishop of Paphos, and the Defense of the Kingdom of Armenia in the 1320s

Keywords: Armenia, Cyprus, papacy, Crusades, Géraud de Veyrines


The activities of Géraud de Veyrines, papal nuncio and then bishop of Paphos in the 1320s, have been known since 1962, when Jean Richard published Instru­menta Miscellanea in the Vatican Archives on the accounts of his financial deal­ings as nuncio on Cyprus. These accounts concern his handling of a large fund of 30,000 gold florins for the defense of the Kingdom of Armenia in Cilicia, the raising of clerical tithes and taxes on Cyprus in support of the Kingdoms of Cyprus and Armenia, the legacy of Patriarch Pierre of Jerusalem, and the debts and property of Géraud’s predecessor as bishop of Paphos, Aimery de Nabinaud. This article publishes the remaining Instrumenta Miscellanea per­taining to these accounts—number 1086 and the unpublished portion of num­ber 1045—and updates the history of the Armenian fund in papal letters, many of which Professor Richard only discovered later, while compiling the third vol­ume of the Bullarium Cyprium, published a half-century later, in 2012.

Author Biography

Christopher David Schabel, University of Cyprus

(PhD in History, University of Iowa, 1994) – Working pri­marily on later-medieval intellectual history and the Latin East, he is Pro­fessor of Medieval History in the Department of History and Archaeol­ogy of the University of Cyprus. His publications include Pierre Ceffons et le déterminisme radical au temps de la peste noire (Paris 2019), Theological Quodlibeta in the Middle Ages (two edited volumes, Leiden 2006–07), and Theology at Paris, 1316–1345 (Aldershot 2000).


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How to Cite
Schabel, C.D. 2020. Géraud de Veyrines, Bishop of Paphos, and the Defense of the Kingdom of Armenia in the 1320s. Perspectives on Culture. 30, 3 (Dec. 2020), 81-104. DOI:https://doi.org/10.35765/pk.2020.3003.07.
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