Dr. Aziz Suryal Atiya and the Establishment of the Middle East Center and the Aziz S. Atiya Library for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Utah


Aziz Suryal Atiya was an Egyptian Coptic Studies expert, historian and orientalist specializing in the study of the Crusades era. He published several important books, including primarily The Crusades in the Later Middle Ages (1938). He contributed to the creation of the Institute of Coptic Studies in Cairo in the 1950s. He was also the originator and founder of the Middle East Center at the University of Utah, which today is one of the most important centers of wide science research on the Middle East. This article discusses the background and circumstances of the establishment of the Middle East Center and the Aziz S. Atiya Library for Middle Eastern Studies, both at the Univer­sity of Utah, which is the fifth largest institution of its kind in North America.

Author Biographies

Leonard C. Chiarelli, University of Utah, Salt Lake City

Historian, PhD in history at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (1986). Since 1971 he has been associated with the Middle East Center and the Aziz S. Atiya Library for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Utah. His research interests are focused on the reception of the research by Aziz S. Atiya and broadly understood oriental culture.

Mohammad Mirfakhrai, University of Utah, Salt Lake City

Historian. Since 1987, he has been associated with the Middle East Center and the S. Atiya, Aziz Library for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Utah. His research interests are related to the reception of broadly understood oriental culture and issues related to the professional satisfaction of librarians.


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How to Cite
Chiarelli, L.C. and Mirfakhrai, M. 2020. Dr. Aziz Suryal Atiya and the Establishment of the Middle East Center and the Aziz S. Atiya Library for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Utah. Perspectives on Culture. 31, 4 (Dec. 2020), 43-60. DOI:https://doi.org/10.35765/pk.2020.3104.05.
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