The Role of Empathy in the Church’s Fraternal Dialog with the World in the Teaching of Pope Francis

Keywords: empathy, dialog, brotherhood, papal teaching, Pope Francis


This paper presents the value and role of empathy in the contemporary world. Sensitivity and empathy take crucial places in the pastoral activity of the Holy Catholic Church. Tenderness and compassion are important issues in Pope Francis’ teaching. In papal understanding, Christian dialog involves sensitivity and empathy, which let one fulfill Christ’s command to love one’s neighbor. This article explores the idea of a Christian view on empathy and brotherhood referring to official papal documents. This topic is currently crucial due to increasing splits, aggression and individualism. The paper looks for an answer how empathetic should the Church approach to the world be and according to the Pope’s teaching, how should the Church dialog profitably with people.

Author Biography

Michał Pierzchała, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Priest of the Archdiocese of Częstochowa, Master of Theology and currently doctoral student at John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. He is the author of several publications in journals highly scored by Polish Ministry of Education and Science. His research interests: moral theology, social science, family.


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How to Cite
Pierzchała, M. 2022. The Role of Empathy in the Church’s Fraternal Dialog with the World in the Teaching of Pope Francis. Perspectives on Culture. 39, 4 (Dec. 2022), 299-312. DOI: