Media Representation of the Moment of Death: Dying Person’s Dignity in the Teaching of the Church and Journalistic Practice

A Case Study

Keywords: journalistic ethics, dignity of a dying person, intimacy of the moment of death, reporting on tragic events, respect for corpses


The author of the article poses the question repeatedly asked in the world of media, culture and science, concerning the limits of journalistic integrity and informational necessity in the media coverage of human death, especially in relation to how the moment of a tragic death and its immediate consequences are presented. He considers the teachings of the Church and John Paul II on the necessity of respecting human dignity in journalism, with particular focus on the dignity of the dying person, in addition to the respect towards the body of the deceased person. The author analyzes selected media messages with content of interest from the years 2017–2020, and referring to the reactions of some representatives of foreign media, he makes an attempt to construct a list of postulates for increasing the degree of sensitivity in the area of the discussed issues. In the preparation of this article, which is essentially a case study in journalistic ethics, the method of content analysis was used primarily in rela­tion to the examined media presentations and the analytical‑synthetic method when it comes to extracting ethical guidelines from the analyzed texts and in constructing the conclusions.

Author Biography

Tomasz Podlewski, The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow

Priest in the Archdiocese of Częstochowa, MA in theology (2016), MA in journalism and social communication (2020), PhD student in the sciences of social communication and media at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, journalist, author of more than a hundred texts printed in nation­wide Catholic magazines and several Internet websites, author of a popu­lar science book. He was awarded the Mater Verbi Medal (2014) for jour­nalistic work.


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How to Cite
Podlewski, T. 2021. Media Representation of the Moment of Death: Dying Person’s Dignity in the Teaching of the Church and Journalistic Practice: A Case Study. Perspectives on Culture. 33, 2 (Jul. 2021), 91-108. DOI:
Literature. Media. Propaganda