In the face of the impossible. Existential sources of post-secular thought

  • Marek Błaszczyk Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
Keywords: Human being, the impossible, reason, faith, absurd, paradox, religious experience, existentialism, post-secularism


In this article, the problem of “the experience of the impossible”, which seems to embody the “religious stage of existence” most fully is tackled, i.e., within the relation of the individual to God (Absolute). The category of “the impossible”, undoubtedly one of the funda­ mental categories of modern post-secular thought (Caputo, Lévinas, Marion), is outlined here in the perspective of existential philoso­ phy, and more specifically – its existential (especially Kierkegaard­ ian) sources. The aim is, therefore, to attempt to show something that is unimaginable because it exceeds “the order of reason”, the cognitive capacity of the human intellect on the one hand, while on the other hand it is at least seemingly inexpressible, because it es­ capes the objective, scientific handling. Therefore it is argued that the experience of the impossible, including his affirmation, is pri­ marily a problem of existential-religious nature, requiring a “leap” beyond what is seen as rational, socially valid, and even ethical from the human perspective.

Author Biography

Marek Błaszczyk, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

MA – Adam Mickiewicz University graduate, re­ search interests: philosophy of existence, philosophical anthropology, hermeneutic philosophy.


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How to Cite
Błaszczyk, M. 2018. In the face of the impossible. Existential sources of post-secular thought. Perspectives on Culture. 21, 2 (Jun. 2018), 31-54.
Post‑secular mirages