Influence of the organizational culture on the work management of the man
All the traditional management theory based on the idea monocul ture, which is the unity of the cultural organization, managed. Until today, drew attention to the variety of cultures that occur within the framework of the existing enterprises. This, the multicultural organ ization stems directly from the size of the social roles carried out by their members. Man must be not only to national and local communi ty, but also to groups: family, conferences, professional, industry, to po litical organizations, etc. Each of these groups is characterized by some kind of its own culture and with more or less successful attempts to so cialization of its members, that is, instill a man some work: patterns, principles, norms and values of the culture of using sanctions, that is, environmental awards and penalties. Map of cultural diversity any or ganization can be very complex, covering all of these types of groups with a certain cultural characteristics. This creates very serious prob lems in the sphere of communication and interaction between the par ticipants and organizations in the field of cohesion and the unity of ac tion. To troubleshoot these problems are organizational culture, which is a kind of plane and the arrangements between the different cultures existing and active in the enterprise. Today, each management is inter cultural management, because it is made in a multicultural environ ment and requires mediation between different cultures. The success of mediation between cultures depends on the strength of the organi zational culture and its functionality because of the two goals, adapt to the environment and internal integration. Organizational culture is primarily a creation of natural and not artificial, and therefore it can be treated only as a social space of intercultural mediation, carried out in mode: tender, negotiations, influence change, persuasion, take, some times exchange. Cultural diversity management strategies in the enter prise is based in varying degrees on two conflicting philosophical as sumptions about the relation to multiculturalism. For observing her as an opportunity or as a threat. Since multiculturalism is a source of both opportunities and risks for the company.
Organizations must have a dominant culture may not consist only of the many subcultures as she would decrease the value of the culture of the Organization as an independent variable. There would be no common understanding of what constitutes appropriate behavior and inappropriate undertaking. Those aspects of the culture of the Organi zation are such that it becomes so powerful an instrument drive beha- vior and shaping them into a man.
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