A game for identity in José Manuel Fajardo’s novel Mi nombre es Jamaica

  • Agata Zep Instytut Filologiii Romańskiej UJ
Keywords: Identity, Jews, Sephardic Jews, José Manuel Fajardo


The subject of this article is an analysis of the image of Jewish identity in the novel Mi nombre es Jamaica by José Manuel Fajardo. A compari­ son of two variants of this identity presented in the novel reveals the reasons of differences between them. Historical circumstances have re­ peatedly disrupted generational continuity in the process of shaping Jewish identity, therefore, the attempts to reconstruct it may differ de­ pending on the person who undertakes them and on the purposes they are intended to serve. The vision of a Jewish identity in a person who has experienced generational continuity is significantly different from the vision of a person who, having no such experience, had to construct the identity himself.

Author Biography

Agata Zep, Instytut Filologiii Romańskiej UJ

Magister, doktorantka w Instytucie Filologii Romańskiej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Zajmuje się badaniem współczesnej li­ teratury hiszpańskiej, szczególnie interesuje się problematyką Żydów sefardyjskich.


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How to Cite
Zep, A. 2018. A game for identity in José Manuel Fajardo’s novel Mi nombre es Jamaica. Perspectives on Culture. 21, 2 (Jun. 2018), 157-166.