Gilt-leather wall hangings that have been identified in Venice are identical to those that adorn the interiors of Wawel Royal Castle in Kraków (Cracow)

  • Ojcumiła Sieradzka‑Malec Wawel Royal Castle – State Art Collection
Keywords: Gilt leather, cordovan, wall hangings, wall coverings, Venice, Palace (Palazzo) Vendramin Calergi (Non nobis Domine), Museum Correr (Museo Correr), Wawel Royal Castle in Kraków, interior decoration


Research carried out on the important collection of gilt-leather wall hangings at Wawel Royal Castle leaves a key matter unsolved, namely the exact provenance of the articles. In spite of the practice of repeating designs in works in this branch of craftsmanship, attempts thus far to find analogous pieces in Italy had not garnered positive results. A few indications in primary sources point to a large centre of gilt leather production – Venice. The main subject of this article is the presenta­ tion of identical gilt-leather articles that have been found in Venice, a factor which can be taken as proof of the Venetian provenance of the Kraków collection. The essay provides additional arguments support­ ing this thesis, citing analogous and characteristic features of the gilt- leather wall hangings in Wawel Castle and Venetian collections.

Author Biography

Ojcumiła Sieradzka‑Malec, Wawel Royal Castle – State Art Collection

Received her M.A. in the History of Art from the Jagiellonian University, Krakow. A staff member of Wawel Royal Castle – State Art Collection, she has co-organized numerous temporary and travelling exhibitions. She participated in the creation of a computer cataloguing program for the museum‘s collections. Her interests include medieval art (Średniowieczna architektura kościoła św. Krzyża w Krakowie; O kilku małopolskich dziełach sztuki z drugiej połowy wieku XV, niegdyś w zbiorach wawelskich) and painting of the Early Modern period (Portrety Wielopolskich z wieku XVIII w zbiorach Zamku Królewskiego na Wawelu). Currently she is focusing her research on gilt leather, particularly the collection of wall hangings in Wawel Castle.


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How to Cite
Sieradzka‑Malec, O. 2018. Gilt-leather wall hangings that have been identified in Venice are identical to those that adorn the interiors of Wawel Royal Castle in Kraków (Cracow). Perspectives on Culture. 21, 2 (Jun. 2018), 167-192.