Between the Logo- and Iconosphere. Christian Witness of Faith in the Internet

  • Aleksandra Pethe University of Economics in Katowice
Keywords: christian witness of faith, cyberspace, Catholic church, religious community, mass communication


The Catholic Church is fully aware of the role that social communica- tion plays in the modern world. In this regard, she sees the media not only as one of the signs of the times, but also as the place of preaching the Gospel message. Cyberspace is of vital importance here, because it offers a gigantic number and variety of pages related to religious topics. Online presence implies a need to search for new languages and com- munication methods that will effectively reach the recipient with a re- ligious message. There is no doubt that among the various forms of religious expression, witness of the faith of a person practicing occu- pies a particular place. This paper makes a qualitative analysis of forms and ways in which religious testimonies are present in the cyberspace in a literary genre perspective, with particular emphasis on the role of words and images.

Author Biography

Aleksandra Pethe, University of Economics in Katowice

Associate Professor of the humanities at the University of Economics in Katowice, head of the Department of Economic Journalism and New Media. Scientific interests: interdisciplinary research on areas of in- terpenetration, crossing, polemics, or integration of human thought, culture, philosophy, visual arts and theology in the area of contemporary culture, with particular emphasis on the mass media.


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How to Cite
Pethe, A. 2017. Between the Logo- and Iconosphere. Christian Witness of Faith in the Internet. Perspectives on Culture. 18, 3 (Sep. 2017), 9-22.
Online Search for Faith