World of Warcraft as a New Form of Religion?

  • Slavomír Gálik University of SS. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava
Keywords: religion, digital media, World of Warcraft


In the paper, the author is studying religious phenomena in the vide- ogame called World of Warcraft (WoW) and compares them with tra- ditional religions such as Christian religion and Buddhism. According to author, religious phenomena exist in WoW in the form of myths, rituals and in the creation of communities. This religious phenomena are not completely fictional, because the players are influenced by the virtual (there are cognitive changes), and then we have to accept some degree of the reality here. The author claims that WoW can partially saturate spiritual needs of the contemporary hypermodern man. How- ever, the author states that it cannot replace traditional religion since it lacks its main part – salvation of the man in Christianity (or freeing in Buddhism), which is achieved through self-knowledge, eliminat- ing bad inclinations, prayers or meditation. Traditional religions have a basic structure of religion expressed by the matrix “life – death – res- urrection” which is directly connected with the human body. Human body still constitutes an important part for salvation (or freedom), in- troducing thus a boundary between the real and virtual. According to author, WoW is similar to theatre in the Ancient Greece, the game of WoW can have cathartic effects on the player, but cannot replace tra- ditional religion.

Author Biography

Slavomír Gálik, University of SS. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava

Has worked at the Faculty of Mass Media Communications sin- ce 2004 and on a continual basis since 2007. Currently he is the Head of the Department of Mass Media Communication at the Faculty of Mass Media Communication. Professionally he focuses on the philosophy of media, in particular on the influence of media on man and questions related to infor- mation and knowledge society. He is the lead researcher for the VEGA pro- ject titled Kyberpriestor ako nová existenciálna dimenzia človeka (Cyberspace as a new existential dimension of man) and the author of several monograp- hs and journal publications involving the themes of philosophy of media and communication.


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How to Cite
Gálik, S. 2017. World of Warcraft as a New Form of Religion?. Perspectives on Culture. 18, 3 (Sep. 2017), 23-36.
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