Similarities and Cultural Differences as a Basis for the Development of Mutually Beneficial Relations Between Poland and Ukraine

  • Olha Prokopenko The University of Bielsko-Biala State, University of Sumy (Ukraine)
  • Larysa Kryvoruchko State University of Sumy (Ukraine)
Keywords: culture, Ukraine, Poland, cultural models, Hofstede model, Hall model, power distance, femininity, masculinity, high-context, uncertainty avoidance, collectivism, individualism


Ukraine and Poland are the neighbor countries, the proximity of which is not only a geographical location, but also similarities in the historical development of the last century, today’s political direction. The cultural affinity of the two nations is particular important as the basis for the establishment of strong, mutually beneficial relationships between entities and citizens of the two states. The authors have con- ducted a comparative analysis of cultures of Poland and Ukraine. The study found that the Ukrainian and Polish have similar cultural val- ues. Both countries have middle level of power distance and slight- ly elevated level of the desire to avoid uncertainty. Representatives of both nations prefer collectivist principles and moderate feminism and follow middle-context communication style. Despite the overall sim- ilarity, some difference in the behavioral culture of the two nations was marked. Thus, in Poland the uneducated persons have revealed the highest level of power distance while the same social stratum in Ukraine have demonstrated the lowest level of this indicator. Young Ukrainian behave in more individualistic way compared to older peo- ple, while in Poland, by contrast, the trend from individualism (of the older generation) to collectivism (of young) is developed.

Author Biographies

Olha Prokopenko, The University of Bielsko-Biala State, University of Sumy (Ukraine)

Professor of Economics, lecturer at the University of Bielsko-Biala and State University in Sumy (Ukraine). She conducts research in the fields of international economic relations, motivation of innovation, econo- mics of sustainable development, and consumer behavior. Participant of nu- merous national and international conferences.

Larysa Kryvoruchko, State University of Sumy (Ukraine)

Doctor of Economics, lectures at the State University of Sumy (Ukraine). She conducts research in the field of controlling, intercultu- ral relations, and optimization of production costs. Participant of numerous national and international conferences.


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How to Cite
Prokopenko, O. and Kryvoruchko, L. 2017. Similarities and Cultural Differences as a Basis for the Development of Mutually Beneficial Relations Between Poland and Ukraine. Perspectives on Culture. 17, 2 (Jun. 2017), 7-16.
Poland and Ukraine in cross‑cultural management