Jewish issues in the novel “Sefarad” by Antonio Muñoz Molina

  • Agata Zep Agata Zep Jagiellonian University
Keywords: Sefarad, Holocaust, postmemory


The aim of this work is the analysis of the Jewish themes in Antonio Mu- ñoz Molina’s novel Sefarad, in the context of discourse of the historical memory. This novel is interpreted as an attempt to reconstruct the col- lective and individual memory. The study is focused on the literary im- age of two historical events: the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 and the Holocaust. The comparison of this two events reveals the his- torical mechanisms that may repeat themselves. The analysis of literary devices used in Sefarad demonstrates the functioning of the memory and the role of the narration in the reinterpretation of the past. The concep- tion of the “postmemory” is employed to explain the trasmission of the traumatic memories between generations. The reconstruction of the his- torical memory allows to save the victims’ stories from being forgotten. Moreover, it seems necessary to understand the current problems, as well as for the planification of the future.

Author Biography

Agata Zep Agata Zep, Jagiellonian University

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How to Cite
Agata Zep, A.Z. 2017. Jewish issues in the novel “Sefarad” by Antonio Muñoz Molina. Perspectives on Culture. 17, 2 (Jun. 2017), 113-136.