“He Hit the Bottom”. Why Does a Tabloid Need the Priest? The Negative Image of Catholic Priests in Texts Published at Fakt24.pl in 2009‑2016

  • Dominik Chomik University of Gdańsk
Keywords: priest, tabloid, image, connotations, depiction


The research is based on 341 articles published on one of the most pop­ ular Polish general‑content web portals, Fakt24.pl (the online webpage of the most readable Polish daily, Fakt, which is a tabloid). The re­ search material from 2009‑2016 includes texts in which priest had neg­ ative connotations. This paper aims to present, through a catalogue of inappropriate behaviours of priests and manners in which such be­ haviours are depicted, the most important tendencies in the negative image shaped by the texts. The emphasis was put on these elements of such image that arise from the tabloid nature of the source and are meant to make the message emotional. The collected data are present­ ed quantitatively against the variable of time (with positive and neutral depictions taken into consideration).

Author Biography

Dominik Chomik, University of Gdańsk

The author is an assistant professor in the Department of Theory, History and Media Language of the University of Gdansk. He is a linguist (doctorate under Prof. dr hab. Jolanta Maćkiewicz). He is currently researching tabloids, ways of reporting mourning in the media, and analysis of the press discourse surrounding the reform of higher education in 2011‑2014 (NCN grant).


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How to Cite
Chomik, D. 2017. “He Hit the Bottom”. Why Does a Tabloid Need the Priest? The Negative Image of Catholic Priests in Texts Published at Fakt24.pl in 2009‑2016. Perspectives on Culture. 16, 1 (Mar. 2017), 7-20.
Religion and the digital world