The current importance of Christian media in Slovakia

  • Karol Orban Charles’ University in Prague
Keywords: media, religious broadcasting, programme structure, radio, television


Christian media in Slovakia are important opinion‑forming agents of society influencing the public opinion of various opinion groups, they influence a person’s thinking as well as the moral and the spiritual po­ tential. Primary attention has been focused on RTVS – radio and tel­ evision in Slovakia. The sources used are many, enriched with my own views and experiences.

Author Biography

Karol Orban, Charles’ University in Prague

He studied at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (1984), and studied a post‑graduate as a theatre critic (1989) at Masaryk University in Brno. In practice, he works as an expert and practitio­ ner, who is also creatively involved in developing programmes, whether on ra­ dio or television. He has extensive experience as a presenter of television and radio programmes. In 1996, after leaving Slovak Radio, he worked at the De­ partment of Journalism. Since 2012, he has been lecturing at the Charles’ Uni­ versity, Faculty of Social Sciences in Prague at the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism.


CHUDINOVÁ, E. 2010. Televízna tvorba. In Praktikum mediálnej tvorby. Bratislava: Eurokódex.

KATECHIZMUS KATOLÍCKEJ CIRKVI. Trnava: Spolok svätého Vojte­ cha, 1998.

MC QUAIL, D. 2002. McQuail’s reader in mass communication theory. 2nd Ed.. Praha: Portál.

RANKOV, P. 2002. Masová komunikácia, masmédiá a informačná spoločnosí. 1. vyd. Levice : Koloman Kertész Bagala.

REMIŠOVÁ, A. 2010. Etika médií. Bratislava: Kalligram.‑sa‑dobri‑konzervativni‑novinari‑nie‑na­‑boj‑proti‑duhe‑ale‑proti‑bludom/

How to Cite
Orban, K. 2017. The current importance of Christian media in Slovakia. Perspectives on Culture. 16, 1 (Mar. 2017), 31-44.
Religion and the digital world