Philosophical culture in the selected environments of new media

  • Wacław Branicki Wydział Humanistyczny Akademii Górniczo‑Hutniczej (AGH)
Keywords: meeting, dialogue, community, avatar, Second Life


Philosophical culture is an environment that enables the creation of dialogic relationship between master and pupil. An important element of this phenomenon is also the possibility of establishing a community of equal and free people, whose main aim in life is the pursuit of truth. Due to economic pressure today is hard to find such a space.
The first point was the characterization of philosophical culture. The second part presents an attempt to create such an online environ­ ment. This is the Academia Electronica, which is a unit dedicated to philosophical education in the space of Second Life.
It is a place where each person can selflessly share their philosophi­ cal knowledge. It has a significant value for the building of philosophi­ cal culture. In the third part, I pointed out that the limitation of this environment is the lack of direct presence. For this reason, dialogical relationship in which there is a transfer of existential values can not be created in this environment.

Author Biography

Wacław Branicki, Wydział Humanistyczny Akademii Górniczo‑Hutniczej (AGH)

Doktor filozofii; pracuje w Katedrze Kulturoznawstwa i Fi­ lozofii na Wydziale Humanistycznym Akademii Górniczo‑Hutniczej (AGH) w Krakowie. Jego zainteresowania naukowe dotyczą filozofii i kultury me­ diów, a w szczególności tożsamości i autentyczności osobowej kształtowanych w środowiskach nowych mediów. Jest autorem artykułów na ten temat oraz książek Tożsamość a wirtualność oraz Autentyczność osobowa a medialność.


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How to Cite
Branicki, W. 2017. Philosophical culture in the selected environments of new media. Perspectives on Culture. 16, 1 (Mar. 2017), 57-70.
Areas of Cyberculture