Typology of Male and Female Miniature Portrait in Elizabethan England

Keywords: portrait miniature, N. Hilliard, E. Norgate, male and female, individuality


The article provides the analysis of semantic and compositional features of the XVI century English miniature portraits. Most of these works are characterized by stylistic uniformity, the exact abidance of formal artistic principles by the master. However, some differences in the stylistic and compositional approach to the portrait are clearly visible in addition to the general similarity due to the established tradition and practice. It is possible to note technological differences in the creation of male and female images, based on the unique process of creating miniatures described by the Elizabethan artist N. Hilliard. The article presents examples that show the possibility of studying the English portrait miniature and its typology in terms of “male” and “female.” Characteristic differences are manifested not only in the drawing and color, but also in the degree of individualization of the portrait image. The program of the male portrait is semantically more diverse and indicates a growing interest in individuality at the Early Modern time.

Author Biography

Anna Troitskaya, Rosyjski Państwowy Uniwersytet im. A. Hercena

W 2014 r. uzyskała stopień doktora w zakresie historii sztuki (Rosyjski Instytut Historii Sztuki). Badacz, wykładowca akademicki (Instytut Filozofii Państwowego Uniwersytetu w Sankt Petersburgu, Instytut Ekonomii i Zarządzania Rosyjskiego Państwowego Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego im. A. Hercena w Sankt Petersburgu), autor artykułów naukowych. Mieszka w Sankt Petersburgu. Obszar akademickich zainteresowań: kultura wizualna, teoria i historia sztuki, sztuka portretu, historia obrazów, historia intelektualna, filozofia miasta.


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How to Cite
Troitskaya, A. 2021. Typology of Male and Female Miniature Portrait in Elizabethan England. Perspectives on Culture. 34, 3 (Nov. 2021), 39-58. DOI:https://doi.org/10.35765/pk.2021.3403.04.
Women in Culture