Communicative Foundations of Gender Discourse

Keywords: gender, discourse, communicative action, femininity, masculinity, care, trust


The analysis of trends in the development of gender discourse in the context of determining its communicative foundations and strategies, taking into account the internal and external determinations of communicative interactions in accordance with established models of sociocultural behavior. Attention is drawn to the formation of a new value field of modern scientific discourse, with a tangible problematization of issues of gender inequality and gender dichotomy, as well as the need to overcome the monologue model of male representation of the world and actualize female subjectivity in approving the dialogical model of communicative action.

Author Biography

Oksana Kozhemiakina, Państwowy Technologiczny Uniwersytet w Czerkasach (Ukraina)

Docent przy Katedrze Filozoficznych i Politycznych Nauk Państwowego Technologicznego Uniwersytetu w Czerkasach. Do sfery naukowych zainteresowań autorki należą: polityczna filozofia, filozofia zaufania, psychologia i filozofia gender, kultura mediów.


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How to Cite
Kozhemiakina, O. 2021. Communicative Foundations of Gender Discourse. Perspectives on Culture. 34, 3 (Nov. 2021), 111-120. DOI:
Women in Culture