The Clothing of Christian Women in the 4th Century According to John Chrysostom

Keywords: John Chrysostom, homilies, Antioch, women’s clothing, first centuries of Christianity


The aim of the article is to characterize the way in which John Chrysostom (ca. 347–407) presents the involvement of Christian women in caring for their appearance, admonishing them for excessive dressing. On the basis of the catechist’s numerous instructions contained in his homilies, commenting on the gospels and apostolic letters, Chrysostom’s arguments are presented, condemning such behavior of women, referring to religious justification and the principles regulating social life. Reading the quoted statements issued by Chrysostom, commenting on the wrong behavior of believers as well as specific recommendations for improvement addressed to them, allow us to become acquainted with the approach of Christian women to the issue of clothing and, more broadly, external appearance, on the example of the 4th-century Christian community.

Author Biography

Anna Grzywa, University Ignatianum in Cracow

Doktor nauk humanistycznych, absolwentka Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie. Jest autorką publikacji z zakresu kultury pierwszych wieków chrześcijaństwa. Specjalizuje się w tematyce starożytnego katechumenatu ( 2019 – monografia: Ryty katechumenatu w okresie późnego antyku. W poszukiwaniu analogii i modeli w świecie żydowskim i grecko-rzymskim, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie, 2022 – grant NCN Miniatura 5: Miejsce katechumena i jego relacja do świata na podstawie katechez chrzcielnych z IV wieku). Pracuje jako adiunkt w Instytucie Kulturoznawstwa i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu Ignatianum w Krakowie.


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How to Cite
Grzywa, A. 2023. The Clothing of Christian Women in the 4th Century According to John Chrysostom. Perspectives on Culture. 43, 4/2 (Oct. 2023), 333-348. DOI: