Differential Psychology in Search of ἀρχή

Keywords: differential psychology, presocratic philosophy, ἀρχή / principle, trait, στοιχεῖον / element


Certainly, there are various relations between psychology and philosophy as phenomena of human culture. In such a metatheoretical context, the main aim of this analysis is the question of the specificity of differential psychology as a field of research. The paper aims to provide a more precise epistemological formula for such specificity by embedding differential psychology, more strongly than before, in the tradition that can be traced back to presocratic philosophy, and by reconstructing some types of questions that can serve as guiding questions in this research area. Incidentally, the perspective of recognizing such a common ground between psychology and philosophy provides another opportunity to consider the question of whether these similarities are necessary as phenomena of the same culture, which would be in line with social constructivism, or whether they are due to other reasons.

Author Biography

Jacek Bielas, Uniwersytet Ignatianum w Krakowie

Doktor nauk humanistycznych w zakresie psychologii, adiunkt w Instytucie Psychologii Uniwersytetu Ignatianum w Krakowie. Zajmuje się badaniami nad motorycznymi uwarunkowaniami procesów poznawczych, a w szczególności uwagą wzrokowo-przestrzenną i jej indywidualnym zróżnicowaniem, z uwzględnieniem szerszej perspektywy związków psychologii z innymi dyscyplinami badawczymi.


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How to Cite
Bielas, J. 2023. Differential Psychology in Search of ἀρχή. Perspectives on Culture. 43, 4/2 (Oct. 2023), 575-590. DOI:https://doi.org/10.35765/pk.2023.430402.32.