Watch Chain as a Testimony of Human Emotions Hidden in a Beautiful Object – Short Case Studies

Keywords: watch chain, châtelaine, fob chain, mourning jewelry, jewelry of human hair, symbolism of feelings


The article deals with the issue of an original type of jewelry, i.e. watch chains, which in the past were an extraordinary testimony of human emotions expressed in them through symbols and signs presented in an exquisite artistic form. The basis for the considerations was the analysis of selected samples of antique watch chains from museum collections and studies on the history of jewelry, in particular “speaking” jewelry and its symbolism. Taking into account the fact that the subject has not yet been thoroughly researched, so that there is no study in the Polish scientific literature, and that the research in the field of functions, typology, material science, ornamentation and cultural and social significance of this forgotten type of jewelry is just beginning, the article is an attempt to set the directions of research in the field of symbolic meanings and emotional relations of these objects with their owners. In the course of the analysis of selected examples, an attempt has been made to identify and list the dominant patterns of love symbols characteristic of specific cultural circles, as well as to determine the ways of their formation and development in visual realizations in artistic craftsmanship. In addition to the decorative patterns of watch chains, in which the symbolism of feelings takes the form of a visual sign, the materials from which the objects were selected, for example the hair of a loved one, were also analyzed in terms of their emotional potential. The analyses showed that watch chains, in the role of a souvenir or a secret gift, were carriers of hidden messages about implicit or, on the contrary, manifested feelings in social groups, using specific cultural codes.

Author Biography

Anna Kulpa, Szkoła Doktorska Uniwersytetu Ignatianum w Krakowie

Doktorantka Szkoły Doktorskiej Uniwersytetu Ignatianum w Krakowie w dyscyplinie nauk o kulturze i religii. Przygotowuje rozprawę doktorską na temat symbolicznego znaczenia zabytkowych dewizek oraz semiotycznych przemiany kultury materialnej. W latach 2017–2021 adiunkt, specjalista ds. działu etnograficznego i artystycznego w Muzeum Regionalnym Ziemi Limanowskiej.


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How to Cite
Kulpa, A. 2023. Watch Chain as a Testimony of Human Emotions Hidden in a Beautiful Object – Short Case Studies. Perspectives on Culture. 43, 4/2 (Jul. 2023), 591-610. DOI: