Poor Future

Foreign Temporalities in Tadeusz Kantor’s Theatre of Death

Keywords: time, future, theatre of death, Tadeusz Kantor, vitalism


This article discusses Tadeusz Kantor’s theory and theatre in reference to a convoluted figure of the future. It reconstructs the principles of Kantor’s unorthodox vitalism permeating the theatre of death, rooted in affirmation of theatrical encounter. As it turns out, Kantor’s “impoverished” style might also be read as a blueprint for thinking the eponymous “poor future”: a figure of the future that escapes hopes and expectations, and functions as a trope of uncanny difference. Within the renegotiated boundaries of life and death, such a difference allows us to rethink our coexistence with alien, often unreconcilable, temporalities. The text is concluded with a tentative reading of Today Is My Birthday, Kantor’s final work, which integrates all domains of “poor future” discussed in the article.

Author Biography

Michał Kisiel, Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa

Assistant professor at Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa. He holds a PhD in literary studies, based on his doctoral dissertation devoted to the new materialist potential of Samuel Beckett’s and Tadeusz Kantor’s selected works. He also holds an MA in English studies, and has authored articles in Polish and English on Samuel Beckett in the light of deconstruction, new materialism, posthumanism, and the philosophical project of Alain Badiou. Aside from that, his interests include ontological and material turns in the humanities, theatricality, the environmental humanities, and the Anthropocene. In 2015, he participated in The Northwestern University Paris Program in Critical Theory.


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How to Cite
Kisiel, M. 2024. Poor Future: Foreign Temporalities in Tadeusz Kantor’s Theatre of Death. Perspectives on Culture. 45, 2 (Mar. 2024), 25-38. DOI:https://doi.org/10.35765/pk.2024.4502.03.