From the Self to the Other, from the Other to the Self

The Transformation of the Image of a Christian in the Chronicles of the Teutonic Order from the 13th and 14th Centuries

Keywords: the Teutonic Order, Baltic Crusades, knights, Christians, pagans, faith, apostasy, transformation


The article aims to analyse the transformation of pagans after their baptism, as well as of Christian knights and converts from the neighbouring pagan lands who betray their faith or apostatize. This study is based on the chronicles of the Teutonic Order from the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Considering the ideological background of the Baltic crusades, the author places her study within the framework of the concept of otherness. She distinguishes between the groups of the self (Christians, the knights of the Order) and the other (the pagans) as the foundation for her research. This differentiation allows for the identification of the two groups based on their adherence to the true faith from the perspective of the Order’s members. Moreover, it enables the tracing of the transformation experienced by pagans after their baptism and by the Christians after their acts of betrayal and apostasy. The author highlights the methods employed by the chroniclers to depict such transitions in the narratives.

Author Biography

Yanina Ryier, Uniwersytet Ignatianum w Krakowie

Dr, adiunkt badawczo-dydaktyczny w Instytucie Neofilologii Wydziału Pedagogicznego Uniwersytetu Ignatianum w Krakowie. Zainteresowania badawcze obejmują analizę kategorii władzy, mechanizmów jej legitymizacji oraz sakralizacji w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej, głównie w Wielkim Księstwie Litewskim, w epoce średniowiecza oraz wczesnej nowożytności, a także studia nad wizerunkiem Litwinów-pogan w kronikach chrześcijańskich z XIII–XV w. Autorka monografii, rozdziałów w monografiach zbiorowych i ponad 40 artykułów naukowych.


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How to Cite
Ryier, Y. 2024. From the Self to the Other, from the Other to the Self: The Transformation of the Image of a Christian in the Chronicles of the Teutonic Order from the 13th and 14th Centuries. Perspectives on Culture. 45, 2 (Mar. 2024), 107-124. DOI:
Transformations within Time: Christianity