The Image of a Polish Student of the Early 18th Century in the Libretto and Theater Reception of The Beggar Student by Karl Millöcker
The article presents the portrayal of a Polish student in Karl Millöcker’s the Austrian operetta The Beggar Student, first performed in 1882 in Vienna and still among the most popular works in the European operetta repertoire. The libretto, written by Camillo Walzel (under the pseudonym F. Zell) and Richard Genée, situates the plot in Poland in 1704, during the rivalry for the Polish throne between Augustus II of Saxony and Stanisław Leszczyński, with a Polish student as the central character. While the operetta follows the convention of a love intrigue, it stands out for its historical setting in Polish history. The article explores the theatrical reception of the operetta, including the controversial reactions of 19th century Polish critics to the depiction of the Polish student in the Austrian operetta. The ongoing presence of The Beggar Student on theater stages has perpetuated stereotypical perceptions of Poles in European culture, in this case of the Polish student. These stereotypes portray the student as impoverished yet honorable, intelligent, humorous, adaptable to changing fortunes, and committed to for the welfare of the state and nation.
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