Sensual Krupówki

A Sensory Analysis of the Soundscape and Smellscape of the Most Famous Street in Podhale Region

Keywords: sounds, smells, senses, Podhale region, Zakopane, Krupówki Street, highlanders, tourism


This article and the research required for its creation serve a purpose to present the current cultural soundscape and smellscape of Krupówki Street in Zakopane, as well as to answer the question – how does the audio-sphere and smell-sphere which is experienced perceptually on this promenade influence the perception and interpretation of Krupówki by its inhabitants and tourists. While conducting this research the method of multisensory participating observation was applied combined with active listening, measurement of decibels, recording of sound, and perceptual recognition of smells. To complement this field research a survey was conducted among 50 informants. Based on the outcome, innovative sensory maps of sounds and smells of the most popular street in Podhale were created. It was also possible to analyze the ambivalent attitude of both inhabitants and tourists towards this street. To generalize the conclusions, one may state that the congruence of sounds and smells translates into high rating of this destination among tourists, and plainly put the sensory experience of this space constitutes the genius loci of Krupówki. On the other hand, the commercialized space of Krupówki is judged negatively by its permanent inhabitants, who are predisposed by the progressing gentrification of the center of Zakopane.

Author Biography

Katarzyna Ceklarz, University of Applied Sciences in Nowy Targ

PhD in ethnology, sociologist. Senior lecturer at the Podhale State Vocational University in Nowy Targ. Co-founder and secretary of the Cultural Hospitality Association. Member of the Board of the Polish Folklore Society. Author of several books and many scientific articles. Co-author and co-editor of monographic publications in the series “Folk Culture of Highlanders”. Editor of the scientific series “Ethno­graphic Archive” of PTL. She is a Beskid and Tatra guide. As an expert, she cooperates with many cultural institutions and local governments. Honored with, among others, the badge “Meritorious for Polish culture” and the Prof. R. Reinfuss Award of the Malopolska Region.


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How to Cite
Ceklarz, K. 2024. Sensual Krupówki: A Sensory Analysis of the Soundscape and Smellscape of the Most Famous Street in Podhale Region. Perspectives on Culture. 47, 4 (Dec. 2024), 379-404. DOI: