The Shaping of the Turkish Political Scene in the Period 1938–1950

Keywords: Turkey, CHP, DP, politics, elections


The article discusses the shape of the Turkish political scene in the period from the death of Mustafa Kemal to the loss of power by the People’s Republican Party, ruling since 1923. The author focuses mainly on the attempts to introduce a multi-party system and the reasons for the change of government in Turkey. The article was prepared based on source analysis (archival and press) and studies on the period under study. The conducted query clearly shows that the main reason for the loss of power by the Kemalists was the economic problems of the state, the lack of a formulated program that would include the interests of peasants and workers, and the lack of interest in their situation, as well as the loss of authority enjoyed by Mustafa Kemal. All these factors led to the election being lost in 1950.

Author Biography

Karolina Wanda Olszowska , Jagiellonian University

Historyk, turkolog. Doktorantka na Wydziale Historycznym Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego oraz na Wydziale Filologicznym Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Asystent naukowy w Instytucie Historii UJ. W trakcie studiów przebywała na stypendium na Uniwersytecie Hacettepe (Ankara) oraz w Instytucie Puszkina (Moskwa).


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How to Cite
Olszowska , K.W. 2022. The Shaping of the Turkish Political Scene in the Period 1938–1950. Perspectives on Culture. 36, 1 (Mar. 2022), 111-124.