Social Issues in the Works of Hakan Günday with Examples from Selected Novels

Keywords: Hakan Günday, contemporary Turkish literature, social problems in Turkish society, migration crisis, people smuggling


The aim of the paper is to present an image of a fragment of Turkish society that emerges from the work of Hakan Günday on the basis of two novels by the author: Az (Polish title Mało published by Sonia Draga, transl. D. Haftka-Işık, 2016) and Daha (Polish title Jeszcze, published by Sonia Draga, transl. D. Haftka-Işık, 2018). Hakan Günday (born 1976) is a contemporary Turkish prose writer, screenwriter and playwright whose work in Turkey is classified as yeraltı edebiyatı (literally “underground literature”). His novel Daha, for which Günday was awarded Prix Médicis (2015, Paris, France) in the category of foreign prose, deals with current social issues, including, in particular, the issue of illegal emigrants and smuggling of people. Günday’s novel reveals the following themes: the hell of war and the drama of refugees, the problem of soldiers’ children, human, arms and drug trafficking, violence, rape, exploitation, all forms of discrimination, social inequality, demoralization, lawlessness, exclusion, human impotence, indifference, and confusion and loneliness. Thanks to the social issues raised in his work, Hakan Günday’s novels can be read in the socio-moral dimension, with the emphasis that the emerging image is not a panorama or cross-section of Turkish society, but only shows its excerpt, emphasizing the occurrence of certain phenomena and showing their consequences in relation to individuals.

Author Biography

Dorota Haftka-Işık, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Absolwentka Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, gdzie ukończyła studia magisterskie na kierunku kulturoznawstwo w zakresie turkologii (2001), oraz Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej w Warszawie, gdzie uzyskała tytuł magistra psychologii. Od 2021 r. studentka Szkoły Doktorskiej Nauk Humanistycznych UW (literaturoznawstwo). Członkini Polskiego Towarzystwa Orientalistycznego oraz Stowarzyszenia Tłumaczy Literatury. Swoją pracę badawczą poświęciła twórczości tureckiego prozaika Hakana Gündaya oraz nurtowi literatury tureckiej yeraltı edebiyatı. Zawodowo jest tłumaczem i lektorem języka tureckiego. Dotychczas z języka tureckiego przełożyła na język polski następujące powieści: Mało, Jeszcze oraz Topaz Hakana Gündaya (wyd. Sonia Draga); powieść Reşata Ekrema Koçu Sułtanka Kösem (tłum. razem z Agnieszką Erdoğan i Piotrem Bezą; wyd. Prószyński), a także Sułtan Bizancjum Selçuka Altuna (wyd. Sonia Draga).


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How to Cite
Haftka-Işık, D. 2022. Social Issues in the Works of Hakan Günday with Examples from Selected Novels. Perspectives on Culture. 36, 1 (Mar. 2022), 137-154. DOI: