Modernization or Simplification: an Empirical Approach to the Turkish Language Reform

Keywords: Turkish language reform, modernization, purification, lexical semantics, simplification


In this paper, I proposed an empirical approach to evaluate the accuracy of modern – or so-called purified – versions of Ottoman texts. Empirical studies on purified texts are limited in terms of quantity despite the abundance of the literature on the purification program within the Turkish language reform. I attempted to analyze a modernized text to answer the following questions; in a modernized text whether (a) semantic accuracy is preserved, or (b) the content is simplified. The method I offer here is based on a comparison of the modernized version with the authentic text from the lexical semantics point of view. My research revealed that some words with more definite meaning were replaced with more imprecise words in the modernized text. Such replacements may lead to a reduction in the content. Nevertheless, future works are needed on large scale data with the help of AI-supported tools to explore whether blurriness occurs in meaning during a modernization process.

Author Biography

Hilal Oytun Altun, Jagiellonian University

Ph.D. in Turkic philology, Marmara University (Istanbul), 2009. She works primarily on linguistic features of Ottoman, contemporary Turkish, and Kazakh languages with a particular focus on inter-lingual relations. She is a member of Turkology department at the Institute of Oriental Studies at the Jagiellonian University. She is the author of the book: Tercüme-i Tevârîh-i Mülûk. Nevâyî’nin Fars Hükümdarları Tarihi [Translation of History of Dynasties. Nevâyî’s History of Persian Dynasties] (2020) which was awarded with the “Nagroda Rektora indywidualna III stopnia za osiągnięcia naukowe” by Jagiellonian University in 2021.


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IRCICA Farabi Digital Library Kubbealtı Lugatı

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How to Cite
Oytun Altun, H. 2022. Modernization or Simplification: an Empirical Approach to the Turkish Language Reform. Perspectives on Culture. 36, 1 (Mar. 2022), 155-166. DOI: