Champollion, the Rosetta Stone and Their Reflection on the World’s Postage Stamps

Keywords: Egyptology, Egyptomania, the Rosetta stone, post stamp, philately


In 2022, we are celebrating the bicentenary of a great discovery, when a French scholar, Jean-François Champollion, proudly announced his decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphs. Champollion’s proposal echoed loudly in the academic community but also aroused public interest already seized by Egyptomania. And although scholars discussed the decipherment for the following 70 years until it was officially acknowledged, the wide public was happy with a new chapter the in cross-cultural contacts between the Ancient Egyptian and mod- ern societies. This special interest found its reflection in a rather unexpected way when Champollion and the Rosetta Stone started to appear on a new invention: postage stamps. This text recalls the figure of the researcher, the famous stone and the invention of the postage stamp to finally discuss a vari- ety of stamps issued by many countries worldwide to demonstrate that even modern people, not related to Egyptological studies, have kept an interest in the Ancient Egyptian culture.

Author Biography

Joanna Dębowska-Ludwin, Jagiellonian University

Specjalizuje się w tematyce związanej z egipskim obrządkiem pogrzebowym w okresie pre- i wczesnodynastycznym. Wieloletni członek Polskiej Ekspedycji Archeologicznej do Wschodniej Delty Nilu, w ramach której nadzoruje prace na cmentarzysku w Tell el-Farcha. Autorka ok. 50 prac naukowych z zakresu archeologii Egiptu i Lewantu. Zainteresowania badawcze koncentruje wokół kwestii związanych z wczesnym egipskim obrządkiem pogrzebowym, rozwojem architektury ceglanej i wczesnymi kontaktami egipsko-lewantyńskimi, a także percepcją starożytnej kultury Bliskiego Wschodu we współczesności i dydaktyką archeologii.


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How to Cite
Dębowska-Ludwin, J. 2022. Champollion, the Rosetta Stone and Their Reflection on the World’s Postage Stamps. Perspectives on Culture. 37, 2 (May 2022), 69-88. DOI:
Ancient Middle East as Received by Contemporary Culture