„Writing on Walls and Worshipping Cats”
Ancient Egypt in the Internet
The article presents various aspects of functioning in the internet of the ancient Egypt, which a popular view sees as the beginning of our civilisation, while the worldwide web is its crowning. Professional webpages, offering excellent research tools, are complemented by educational materials or thematic blogs run by ambitious amateurs. Specific and ambivalent is the role of Wikipedia, which is usually the first, and often unique, source of information. Informative and educational functions of the internet, are however overshadowed by popular culture and entertainment. Ancient Egypt appears widely in form of topoi and stereotypes, based on antique tradition or modern Egyptomania. Mysterious, exotic, powerful, rich and beautiful monuments and ideas of Egyptian material and spiritual culture are present as references to pyramids, hieroglyphs, mummies, animal-headed god, golden artefacts and beautiful Egyptian queens. A very specific feature, of a wide range and strength of influence, are memes, using Egyptian iconography and reality, which often serves for commenting the present day.
Claes, W. i Van Keer, E. (2014). Les ressources numériques pour l’égyptologie. Bibliotheca Orientalis, 71, 297–306.
Der Manuelian, P. (2009). Eight years at the Giza Archives Project: past experiences and future plans for the Giza digital archive. Egyptian & Egyptological Documents, Archives, Libraries, 1, 149–159.
Dils, P. i Feder, F. (2013). The Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae: review and perspectives. W: S. Polis i J. Winand (red.), Texts, languages & information technology in Egyptology: selected papers from the meeting of the Computer Working Group of the International Association of Egyptologists (Informatique &Égyptologie), Liège, 6–8 July 2010. Liège: Presses Universitaires de Liège, 11–23. Odler, M. (2018). Egyptologie na Internetu. Pražske Egyptologické Studié, XX, 79–91.
BIFAO (Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale), https://www. ifao.egnet.net/bifao.
Egipska Książka Umarłego, https://docs7.chomikuj.pl/2639873111,PL,0,0, Egipska-Ksiega-Umarlych.pdf
Egyptologist’s Electronic Forum (EEF), http://www.egyptologyforum.org/ Egyptology Resources, https://egypt.fitz.ms/
The Giza Archives, http://gizapyramids.org/
Hieroglify egipskie. Czy były mową bogów?, https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=Vwit6uhEygE
International Association of Egyptologists, https://www.iae-egyptology.org/ Jsesh, https://jsesh.qenherkhopeshef.org/
Narmer. Starożytny Egipt, historia i chronologia, http://www.narmer.pl/ Osiris net, htpps://osirisnet.net
Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae, https://aaew.bbaw.de/tla
UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology, https://escholarship.org/uc/nelc_uee
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