The Importance of Intangible Cultural Heritage for Its Keepers Using the Example of Communities Cooperating with the Museum of Kraków

Keywords: intangible heritage, UNESCO, Krakow nativity scenes, Lajkonik, lace making, local identity, tradition, customs, Krakow


The main issue that is the subject of the article is the question of the importance of selected phenomena of the city of Krakow’s intangible cultural heritage for the identity of those who cultivate it. For more than 70 years, the Museum of Kraków has been working with communities that cultivate local Krakow traditions. Initially, these were communities associated with the Lajkonik parade, the Krakow nativity scenes and the longbow fraternity, joined in recent years by Vistula rafters and Cracovian lace makers. These communities work with the Museum of Kraków for the protection and popularization of their intangible cultural heritage. At the same time, the staff of the Museum of Kraków (Center for the Interpretation of the Intangible Heritage of Krakow, until 2020, the Department of Folklore and Traditions of Krakow) have been carrying out research projects aimed at a more thorough identification of the aforementioned communities, including the importance of the intangible cultural heritage they cultivate for their members’ identity and the role of intergenerational transmission. The material gathered in the course of these projects has not yet been fully utilized in the scholarly discourse on intangible cultural heritage. The article in preparation will be based on this extensive material. Conclusions will help provide answers to questions such as the impact of involvement in maintaining local traditions on the lives of individuals and families, intergenerational transmission and the values intangible heritage is associated with for its keepers. The importance of the issue also stems directly from the 2003 Convention’s definition of intangible cultural heritage, according to which intangible heritage is made up by phenomena that provide a sense of identity and intergenerational continuity.

Author Biography

Andrzej Iwo Szoka, Muzeum Krakowa

Doktor historii i magister zarządzania kulturą Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, kierownik Centrum Interpretacji Niematerialnego Dziedzictwa Krakowa w Muzeum Krakowa, od 13 lat związany z muzealnictwem, kierownik i uczestnik projektów związanych z ochroną i popularyzacją niematerialnego dziedzictwa kulturowego Krakowa, członek zespołu odpowiedzialnego za przygotowanie wniosku o wpis szopkarstwa krakowskiego na listę reprezentatywną niematerialnego dziedzictwa kulturowego ludzkości UNESCO, autor publikacji z zakresu dziejów i tradycji Krakowa oraz historii późnego antyku.


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How to Cite
Szoka, A.I. 2023. The Importance of Intangible Cultural Heritage for Its Keepers Using the Example of Communities Cooperating with the Museum of Kraków. Perspectives on Culture. 40, 1 (Mar. 2023), 9-28. DOI:
Protection of Cultural Heritage