The Culture of Purchasing Processes in Innovative Production Enterprises

The Development Perspective During the Pandemic Times

Keywords: culture of processes, purchasing processes, innovative manufacturing enterprises, stakeholders, pandemic times


The issue of purchasing processes has been analyzed and studied by scientists for several years, and especially the time of the pandemic has shown that activities in the area of procurement require more analysis and focus on creating new values or developing a culture of these processes in organizations.

The COVID-19 pandemic caused the business world to undermine the reliability of the supply chain and showed that purchasing processes can be unstable. Purchasing functions faced demand-supply imbalances, which often lead to inventory issues, uncertain supply reliability, and high-risk relationships with various stakeholders, particularly suppliers and customers. Opaque supply chains and new realities require flexibility, a certain culture and maturity in sourcing functions to stay in business and succeed as a business in the new era. In order to build effective capabilities in purchasing processes and be able to flexibly respond to the challenges of the business environment, as well as meet the needs of stakeholders, enterprises must protect themselves with new norms, values and principles in this area.

The article, in the theoretical part, describes the term of purchasing processes, presents elements that can be considered as the basis for building a culture of purchasing processes in innovative production enterprises. The research part describes the research methodology and the results of the conducted surveys as well as the conclusions resulting from the research. The research was conducted on a group of 36 managers who deal with this area in innovative production companies listed on the NewConnect market in Poland. The analysis of the literature and the results of the research showed that the prospects for the development of the purchasing process culture are significantly high. Especially this aspect has become quite important during the pandemic and companies are increasingly including these activities in key business processes.

Author Biographies

Wioletta Wereda, Military University of Technology in Warsaw

Doctor of economics in management science; associate professor at the Faculty of Security, Logistics and Management, Military University of Technology in Warsaw, Poland. She is the author of a variety of studies and business. She has also written and co-written three monographs and over 100 scientific articles in the field of management, published both in Poland and abroad. She was a lecturer of the BA and MA studies at Kozminski University. The scientific interests of Wioletta focus on the issues of smart organisations, efficient stakeholder relationship management, sales management methods, resilient leadership and new approaches to the designing of digital marketing and society. She is also a member of Scientific Boards of International Journals (inter alia Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, Hyperion International Journal of Econophysics and New Economy), and she is a scientific reviewer in different entities (USA, Italy, Romania, Lithuania) including Scientific Boards of national journals. She has been editor-in-chief the annual international Modern Management Systems since 2021. She lectures and runs workshops at universities in Romania, Lithuania and Slovenia. She is a member of the Scientific Society for Contemporary Management. She works as a trainer, consultant, mentor and facilitator for many companies and public organizations.

Paweł Wereda, PSI Spółdzielczy Producent Sprężyn Company in Siedlce

Master of Management and Marketing, Ph.D. student at the War Studies University in Warsaw. Specialist of Purchasing and Logistics in the production companies for more than 15 years. He has also written and co-written three scientific articles in the field of purchasing management, published both in Poland and abroad. He works as a trainer and a quality auditor in production enterprises. His scientific interests of focus on purchasing processes and logistics.


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How to Cite
Wereda, W. and Wereda, P. 2023. The Culture of Purchasing Processes in Innovative Production Enterprises: The Development Perspective During the Pandemic Times. Perspectives on Culture. 42, 3 (Aug. 2023), 269-290. DOI:
Management and Marketing