The Rights of Communities in the Era of Virtual Cultural Interaction

Keywords: virtual communities, rights of communities, virtual interaction of cultures, hybrid reality


The modern world, thanks to the development of technology, has been expanded to include a virtual dimension, which, entering into relations with the classical dimension, has generated a hybrid reality. The expansion of reality by the virtual dimension has created a new space for the formulation and existence of communities, and even the emergence of peculiar quasi-communities, with different characteristics and fluid forms. This does not exclude communities that arise and are present in the hybrid world, that is, those that exist simultaneously in both real and virtual space. In contemporary deliberations, the issue of transferring communities from the real to the virtual and vice versa cannot be ignored, as it is becoming increasingly difficult to interpret the cultural phenomena of media civilization societies.

The emergence of a new augmented reality produces the need to change the understanding and interpretation of the processes that stimulate transgressions of human actions. Their consequences are creations that transcend the current boundaries of real space, and with their reach and impact also go beyond the virtual world. The new space has created different, unprecedented contexts for human action. The problem of the cultural rights of human communities in an expanded reality, with new rules of interaction, does not obliterate, but even exposes its importance due to more diverse forms of communicating, creating and experiencing identity, and the need for a more reflective, symbolically implicit definition of one’s values.

Author Biography

Sylwia Jaskuła, Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Łomży

Profesor Akademii Łomżyńskiej, dziekan Wydziału Nauk Społecznych i Humanistycznych, autor wielu artykułów na temat kultury i przestrzeni informacyjnej, edukacji międzykulturowej, przemian w edukacji, ewaluacji rozwojowej, społeczeństwa informacyjnego i wiedzy, kompetencji międzykulturowych i informacyjnych, współpracy międzykulturowej. Animator badań porównawczych nad kulturowymi i edukacyjnymi aspektami współczesnego społeczeństwa „konceptualnego”. Jest ekspertem w zakresie strategii ewaluacyjnych i programów szkoleniowych w edukacji na rzecz transformacji społecznej, komunikacji i innowacji.


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How to Cite
Jaskuła, S. 2023. The Rights of Communities in the Era of Virtual Cultural Interaction. Perspectives on Culture. 41, 2/2 (Jun. 2023), 77-90. DOI: