Ancient Tradition, Medieval Legend and the Glory of the Polish Name in the Early Modern Era
Stanisław Temberski and His Tiara Episcopalis
The main purpose of the article is to analyze the Latin speech published in Padua in 1642 and delivered at the solemn assembly of the Polish nation at the University of Padua, in the church of St. Anthony of Padua, on May 7 of the previous year. The author of the text was Stanisław Temberski, a Krakow canon and professor at the Jagiellonian University. The author of the article briefly presents his biography and literary works, and then analyzes the speech itself. Avoiding assessing the literary value of the work as such, she tries to present the ideas contained in it and show how the humanistic culture characteristic of the early modern era allows the author to construct eloquent formulas and images that glorify the name of his homeland by praising the glory of its saint. The laudation of Poland is inextricably linked with the praise of its patron, Saint Stanislaus, Bishop and martyr. In Temberski’s oration, ancient tradition and medieval, hagiographic legend intertwine, and everything is processed in accordance with the author’s mentality and the concepts of seventeenth-century rhetoric. The holy martyr is compared to Hercules and the evil tyrant responsible for his death is presented as an instrument of Satan, perceived as “infernal Cerberus.” Temberski’s use of his rhetorical skills for propaganda purposes is noteworthy: on the one hand, he shows his humanistic culture and presents himself as a citizen of the Respublica litteraria. On the other hand, he inscribes the Polish state into the long tradition of Respublica Christiana. In this context, he makes it clear that a country that produces such pious and heroic men as the holy bishop is worthy of appreciation among the nations of Europe.
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