True Crime Podcasting as a Hybrid Media Genre

Keywords: True crime, podcasting, podcast, hybrid genre, media genres


The article describes the hybrid of medium and the narrative genre, which is true crime (TC) podcasting. Combining new technology and old storytelling, it blends activism with consumerism, information with entertainment, and the real with the virtual. It may be an example of the media demassification trend and for this reason it is worth researching. The author shows that it should also become the subject of analyzes of the engaged humanities. TC podcasts not only verbalize and promote certain attitudes towards crime, but also constitute a tool of social criticism. Contrary to earlier TC texts, they redirect the audience’s attention from the crime itself and the criminal to the problem of the failure of the security services to fulfill the tasks entrusted to them.

Author Biography

Magdalena Kamińska, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

Dr hab., prof. UAM, pracuje w Zakładzie Badań nad Kulturą Filmową i Audiowizualną Instytutu Kulturoznawstwa UAM. Jej zainteresowania naukowe to cyberkultura, archeologia i genologia mediów audiowizualnych. Autorka i współautorka ponad czterdziestu artykułów naukowych oraz sześciu monografii.


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How to Cite
Kamińska, M. 2023. True Crime Podcasting as a Hybrid Media Genre. Perspectives on Culture. 42, 3 (Aug. 2023), 165-178. DOI:
Culture (in) Hybrid Reality