Potencjał bezzałogowych statków powietrznych wykorzystywanych w zarządzaniu kryzysowym w Polsce
The article explores the integration of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) within the Crisis Management System (CMS), highlighting their potential to enhance crisis response and management through operational efficiency. It examines how UAVs can be effectively employed in crisis situations, presenting updates to the CMS that incorporate UAV capabilities. The article details the functions and key components of the CMS, which spans multiple levels of governance, from central to local authorities and executive agencies. The focus is on the preventative role of UAVs in crisis scenarios. Our research demonstrates how UAVs can be utilized to prevent and mitigate the impact of natural hazards such as floods, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, heavy snowfall, snow avalanches, extreme heat, and frost. The findings suggest that integrating UAVs into the CMS framework can significantly enhance the system’s ability to manage and control crises effectively and rationally. The deployment of drones in emergency situations holds significant potential to enhance and optimize relief efforts and operational processes. The article examines how UAVs can play a crucial role in modern crisis management environments, emphasizing their ability to improve emergency response. It also addresses the intersection of CMS with emerging threats such as cyber-terrorism, which is increasingly relevant in the context of cybersecurity and the digital landscape. In summary, we believe that emergency response groups can significantly benefit from the existing capabilities of UAVs. The integration of UAVs into crisis management systems offers substantial value both to affected populations and areas, as well as to disaster responders. UAVs provide a unique network for collecting and sharing critical disaster data, thereby enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of emergency operations.
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