The Heritage and Ancestral Roots of Polish Immigrants to Texas in the Second Wave

Keywords: Polonia, Texas, emigration, cultural heritage, identity


The article explores the second wave of Polish immigration to Southeast Texas during the 19th century, focusing on the cultural heritage of the Polish diaspora, particularly from Greater Poland and Galicia. It examines the foundational figures of the Polish ethnic community in Texas, including Meyer Levy, Father Feliks Orzechowski, and Josef Bartula. Utilizing content analysis of 4,358 pages across 124 volumes from the Polish Genealogical Society Texas (PGST), published between 1984 and 2021, the study reveals the significant contributions of these individuals – Jewish merchants, Catholic clergymen, and community leaders – to the history of Polish settlement in Texas. The article also underscores the impact of Polish immigrants on the state’s agricultural development and their role in enriching the ethnically diverse fabric of Texas. Additionally, it highlights the crucial roles played by women and children in the early success of these immigrant communities.

Author Biographies

Małgorzata Bujak, University of St. Thomas in Houston

An Adjunct Professor at the Saint John Paul II Institute in the Department of Polish Studies at the University of St. Thomas, Houston, Texas. Her research focuses on the maintenance, erosion, and re-authentication of ethnic culture among Southeast Texas Poles of rural descent. Since 2016, she has also served as a Licensed Court Interpreter for the Texas Judicial Branch.

Marek Liszka, Ignatianum University in Cracow

An Assistant Professor at the Institute of Modern Languages, Ignatianum University in Cracow. He holds a Ph.D. in Culture and Religion Studies and a diploma in Mediterranean Heritage Studies. Liszka has authored two monographs (2013, 2014 second edition, 2021) and co-edited a book (2022, 2023 second edition) on cultural heritage, microhistory, and the identity of Górale/Highlanders in their emigration to the USA.


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How to Cite
Bujak, M. and Liszka, M. 2024. The Heritage and Ancestral Roots of Polish Immigrants to Texas in the Second Wave. Perspectives on Culture. 46, 3 (Sep. 2024), 233-254. DOI: