Joseph Conrad’s Independence Journalism and its “Post‑romantic Entanglement”

Keywords: Joseph Conrad, Adam Mickiewicz, intertextuality, interfigurality, The Crime of Partition, The Books and the Pilgrimage of the Polish Nation, Lilie


The following study of a small collection of Conrad’s journalism relat­ed to Polish independence distinguishes The Crime of Partition as the final and most mature voicing of the Polish-Romantic, tyrtaean, and balladic intertextuality of Lord Jim’s author. Conrad, however, while referring to Adam Mickiewicz’s Lilie and The Books and the Pilgrim­age of the Polish Nation, does maintain some distance from his allu­sions and reminiscences. Rather, the romanticizing that saturates the sketch integrates the entire argument, and what is more, it also pro­motes intriguing intellectualization: the Polish literary tradition, here reduced to a colorful convention (e.g. frenetic, as in Lilie), released from its “limiting” framework, is a kind of carefully planned, sophisti­cated literary play for Conrad. It can be appreciated by Conrad’s non- Polish reader, uninitiated in the pathos of the Polish problem, the one to whom the writer speaks in particular in this case.

Author Biography

Karol Samsel, University of Warsaw

PhD, literature historian, poet, philosopher. He is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Polish Literature at the Faculty of Polish Studies of the University of Warsaw. Head of Drama History 1795-1939 Laboratory at the Institute of Polish Literature. Co­-editor of books on Norwid, Fredro, and poets-students of the under­ground University of Warsaw: Hieroglifem zapisane. Cyprian Norwid (Warszawa 2012), Uniwersalność komizmu. Aleksander Fredro w dwie­ście dwudziestą rocznicę urodzin (Warszawa 2015) and Poeci-studenci podziemnego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego wobec romantyzmu (Warsza­wa 2018). He has published in Prace Filologiczne, Studia Norwidia­na, and Yearbook of Conrad Studies (Poland). Member of the Joseph Conrad Society (Poland), researcher of the life and work of Wanda Karczewska. Author of the monograph Norwid Conrad. Epika w per­spektywie modernizmu (Warszawa 2015) and Inwalida intencji. Studia o Norwidzie (Warszawa 2017). He studies Conrad’s Polish-Romantic.


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How to Cite
Samsel, K. 2020. Joseph Conrad’s Independence Journalism and its “Post‑romantic Entanglement”. Perspectives on Culture. 24, 1 (Feb. 2020), 39-50. DOI:
Thoughts on Independence