Significance of Strategic Alliances; the Case of Airline Alliances

Keywords: strategic airline alliance, air transport, consolidation, enterprise, globalization


This article is poised to explain the significance, analyze and under­stand the relationships that are established between partners of a stra­tegic alliance. The analysis conducted was modeled on the example of airline alliances. Airlines decide on operating as alliances due to eco­nomic benefits which they would not be able to reach on their own. In the result of their cooperation, these entities produce beneficial syner­gistic effects. It should be noted that by starting cooperation within an alliance, those entities still remain competitors. The analysis provides a comparison of three largest airline alliances: Star Alliance, SkyTeam and Oneworld. The article contains a summary of the most important conclusions of the analysis.

Author Biographies

Ewa Kopeć, Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow

Graduated from the Cracow University of Economics, and is currently employed at the faculty of the Institute of Political and Administrative Sciences at the Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow. In her research work, she focuses on determinants for fun­ctioning of organizations as well as the changes in the world economy. Her research publications to date focus mainly on the issues of shaping the value of enterprises, flow of capital in economy and ICT.

Artur Wolanin, Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow

A graduate of the Faculty of Management at the Cracow University of Economics. Received his MA degree in 2006, majoring in the Economics of Enterprises. Since 2009, the Administra­tion Director at the Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow, and since 2011 also the President of the Ignatianum Foundation. Apart from holding administrative positions, since 2014 he has been a teacher and a researcher at the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Jesuit University Ignatia­num in Krakow, the Chair of Administration and Social Policy. His re­search interests embrace a broad spectrum of management issues, in­cluding functioning of organizations. He is especially keen on higher education institutions which encouraged him to pursue his doctoral studies in 2014, and also prompted the choice of the subject for PhD dissertation.


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How to Cite
Kopeć, E. and Wolanin, A. 2020. Significance of Strategic Alliances; the Case of Airline Alliances. Perspectives on Culture. 27, 4 (Jan. 2020), 107-126. DOI:
Cross Cultural Management