Seeing as Action. The Methods of Interpreting Visual Materials on the Example of Photography

Keywords: photography, visual art, ways of seeing, punctum, study, visual competence


The article asks about the power of photography. Four photographs are referred to. The author tries to describe ways of looking, analyzing and interpreting each of them. Every time, it is a subjective analysis based on individual visual competences. The concept of punctum turns out to be important, as it allows a closer look at the visual. Ultimately, the answer to the question whether in the analysis of an image we take possession of it, or is it the other way around, is solved at the level of individual reception of a particular photo.

Author Biography

Małgorzata Lebda, Pedagogical University of Krakow

Born in 1985, Doctor of Humanities (speciali-zing in theory of literature and audiovisual arts), academic teacher as-sociated with the Institute of Information Sciences of the Pedagogical University in Krakow. Scientifically interested in visual arts, neuroes-thetics, and information visualization. Poet (winner of the Gdynia Li-terary Prize for 2019 in the Poetry category). Ultramarathon runner. Lives in Krakow.


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How to Cite
Lebda, M. 2020. Seeing as Action. The Methods of Interpreting Visual Materials on the Example of Photography. Perspectives on Culture. 27, 4 (Jan. 2020), 219-234. DOI: