The Reinterpretation of Biblical Images in Katrya Grynevycheva’s “On the Way to Sykhem” and Other Stories
Paper deals with the peculiarities of the small prose by Katrya Grynevycheva. It clarifies the symbolic dominants, means of character creation, and the author’s world outlook. The article identifies biblical images in her book “Po dorozi v Syxem” ta inshi opovidannya [“On the way to Sykhem” and Other Stories]. The writer uses paraphrases for citation of the Biblical text. She adds new meanings and extends the semantics of religious images. The images include: Heroes, Characters, Flora and Fauna, and the Elements. Katrya Grynevycheva correlates such concepts as ground, terra, earth and Homeland. Thus, Ukraine is spiritual substance. The investigation reveals the main features of the author’s individual style. The book represents a variety of genres (legend, fairytale, parable, storytelling). The Christian intertext pervades all stories. Katrya Grynevycheva builds the artistic God’s world and insists on basic truths (love, faith and peace). The paper proves the uniqueness and significance of the writer’s heritage in the development of Ukrainian literature.
The Holy Bible, 21st Century King James Version® (KJ21®) Copyright ©1994 by Deuel Enterprises, Inc., Gary, SD 57237.
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Grynevycheva, K. (2004). Nepoborni: povist’, opovidannya, novely. Editing and commentary by F.P. Pohrebennyk. L’viv: Kamenyar.
Kharlan, O. (2000). Katrya Grynevycheva: literaturnyj portret. Kyiv: Znannya.
Tokarev, S. (ed.). (1988). Mify narodov mira: Jenciklopedija. Moskva: Sovetskaja jenciklopedija.
Zhajvoronok, V. (2006). Znaky ukrayins’koyi etnokul’tury: Slovnyk-dovidnyk. Kyiv: Dovira.
Copyright (c) 2020 Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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