“The Path of Love” and “The Path of the Cave” in Selected Works of Hans Christian Andersen

Keywords: Plato, beauty, love, truth, good, faith, idea


In the article, the author discusses the “path of love” and “the path of the cave,” using selected works by Hans Christian Andersen. The Danish fairy tale writer masterfully shows how heroes anchored in a sensual world go a long way to find a world that escapes rational cognition. Most of his charac­ters can easily be described as dynamic, because they change under the influ­ence of powerful experiences. Those who attach more importance to beauty closed in a form devoid of deeper content are condemned. Andersen’s fairy tales have two audiences, children and adults. The former will understand the anecdote and the latter will see the metaphor. The works of the fairy tale writer show autobiographical threads, including his attitude to the Christian religion, in which the triad of truth, good, and beauty turns out to be extremely important.

Author Biography

Sandra Magdalena Kocha, Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz

Graduate of the Humanities Department of the Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz. Her research interests include fairy tales, folklore, and literature for children and adolescents. Her pub­lished articles include Women’s Paths to Independence in the Fairy-Tale Oeuvre of Hans Christian Andersen and Children’s Folklore in the Poetry of Danuta Wawiłow Based on Selected Texts from Rupaki and Terribly Impor­tant Thing.


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How to Cite
Kocha, S.M. 2020. “The Path of Love” and “The Path of the Cave” in Selected Works of Hans Christian Andersen. Perspectives on Culture. 28, 1 (Mar. 2020), 115-126. DOI:https://doi.org/10.35765/pk.2020.2801.010.