KIK’s Archive of Audio Recordings from Years 1974–2006 – Description and Characteristics

Keywords: Club of Catholic Intelligentsia, Club of Catholic Intelligentsia in Krakow, archive of Club of Catholic Intelligentsia, archival audio recordings


The article contains results of preliminary research of archival audio record­ings from meetings and prelections organized by Klub Inteligencji Katolickiej (KIK; Club of Catholic Intelligentsia) in Krakow. The research was con­ducted using methods of quantitative, statistical, content, and chronological analysis of the source material. The article begins with a description of KIK’s history focused on the role which the Club had in the times of PRL (Polish People’s Republic). The following chapters of the article are dedicated to the general characteristics of the studied recordings and their detailed thematic division into several categories (Catholic Church and faith, dialogue and ecu­menism, John Paul II, philosophy, Poland’s history, culture, politics, Krakow, social issues, “NaGłos”, organized events, the life of KIK, visions of the future) based on the author’s research. The main goal of the article is to formulate conclusions based on the themes that were discussed during the Club’s meet­ings and pointing to further, potential research perspectives.

Author Biography

Kinga Ziembińska, Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow

Absolwentka kulturoznawstwa, w kręgu jej zaintere­sowań znajdują się sztuka wizualna i użytkowa oraz projektowanie gra­ficzne. Obecnie doktorantka kulturoznawstwa na Wydziale Filozoficz­nym Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie. Przygotowuje pracę doktorską na podstawie zarchiwizowanych nagrań audio krakowskiego Klubu Inte­ligencji Katolickiej.


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How to Cite
Ziembińska, K. 2021. KIK’s Archive of Audio Recordings from Years 1974–2006 – Description and Characteristics. Perspectives on Culture. 32, 1 (May 2021), 43-58. DOI:
Christianity as a Source of European Culture