The Tourist Destination Management and Its Dynamism: The Case of Barcelona Versus Catalonia

  • Anna Alvado GREPAT – Tourism Research Group – EUFB – UdG, Escola Universitària Formatic Barcelona – Universitat de Girona
  • Joan Sorribes GREPAT – Tourism Research Group – EUFB – UdG, Escola Universitària Formatic Barcelona – Universitat de Girona
  • Josep Boyra GREPAT – Tourism Research Group – EUFB – UdG, Escola Universitària Formatic Barcelona – Universitat de Girona
Keywords: management, tourism competitiveness, quality of experience


The present article tries to evaluate, from the analysis of different manage­rial components and factors, the degree of competitiveness and dynamism of a tourist destination. To carry out this analysis, the city of Barcelona and its role as the capital of Catalonia have been chosen. At a time of deep world­wide economic crisis due to Covid-19 pandemic tourism has declining by 70% worldwide during 2020. Nevertheless, tourism has demonstrated its great resilience and strength as a global engine for economic activities development generating jobs and wealth over the last decades. It is in this context, where the article analyzes the behavior of Barcelona, as a reference for the destina­tion Catalonia, in front the pandemic crisis and the strength of new emerging tourism competitors. Indeed, the reorganization of the pattern of distribution of tourist flows in the global tourism market due to health restrictions and the pace of economic emitting powers recovery generates a significant number of new opportunities. Tourist flows are posing new challenges in terms of their reception, the management of their stay and the fulfillment of a high degree of satisfaction in relation to their tourist experience. This article analyses a series of strategies promoted by different agents and managers in the field of tourism to subsequently present a set of recommendations to help assist decision-mak­ing in a tourism sector that is going through difficult times.

Author Biographies

Anna Alvado, GREPAT – Tourism Research Group – EUFB – UdG, Escola Universitària Formatic Barcelona – Universitat de Girona

Official Master’s Degree in Information and Kno­wledge Society (Open University of Catalonia). Postgraduate in Corpo­rate Communication and Service Quality from Blanquerna Faculty of Communication Sciences (Ramon Llull University). Degree in Commu­nication Sciences from Blanquerna Faculty of Communication Scien­ces (Ramon Llull University). Head of Studies and Head of the Depart­ment of Marketing and Communication at Formatic Barcelona University School (University of Girona).

Joan Sorribes, GREPAT – Tourism Research Group – EUFB – UdG, Escola Universitària Formatic Barcelona – Universitat de Girona

PhD in Economics in the discipline of Applied Econo­mics by the University of Girona. Member of the INSETUR research group. Member of the GREPAT research group at the Formatic Barce­lona University School. Member of the competitive consolidated research group SGR „TRIP” at University of Girona. Head of Quality and Head of the Department of Economic and Legal Sciences at the Formatic Barce­lona University School. Associate Professor at Applied Economics Depart­ment of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences at the University of Girona. Associate Professor at the School of Social and Business Scien­ces (Pompeu Fabra University). Scientific interests: Economic crisis, Cor­porate Social Responsibility, Human Resource Management, Sustainable Tourism and E-learning.

Josep Boyra, GREPAT – Tourism Research Group – EUFB – UdG, Escola Universitària Formatic Barcelona – Universitat de Girona

PhD in Geography, Mention of European Doctor and Master in Cartographic Production and Geographic Information Systems by the University of Barcelona. Deputy Director and Head of Research at the Escola Universitària Formatic Barcelona attached to the Univer­sity of Girona. Lecturer at the University of Barcelona and Ramon Llull University. Doctor accredited by the National Agency for Quality Evalua­tion and Accreditation of Spain. Scientific interests: Geography, Financial Economics and Public Economics. Current research project: Analysis and Sustainable Planning of Tourism.


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How to Cite
Alvado, A., Sorribes, J. and Boyra, J. 2021. The Tourist Destination Management and Its Dynamism: The Case of Barcelona Versus Catalonia. Perspectives on Culture. 32, 1 (May 2021), 171-188. DOI: