The individual Entangled in Modern Cultural Marxism According to Slavoj Žižek

Keywords: cultural Marxism, Slavoj Žizek, modern problems of the individual


With the new opportunities that the world offers today, new threats have arisen. Faster and better communication, trouble-free access to almost any interesting area of knowledge, as well as the importance of information and political cor­rectness led to the expansion of the field of operation of the modern form of Marxism in these zones, but above all in culture. The individual, constantly under the influx of new stimuli, adopts certain attitudes, often generated on the basis of previously observable, or subconsciously instilled with the help of media, visual and cultural messages. One of the researchers dealing with this subject is the Slovenian philosopher and cultural critic, Slavoj Žizek. He introduces problems faced by individuals in modern reality and takes a critical attitude towards them with his typpical manner.

Author Biography

Klaudia Mularczyk, Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow

Absolwentka kulturoznawstwa Wydziału Humani­stycznego AGH, w 2017 r. rozpoczęła studia doktoranckie na Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie. Interesuje się problematyką nowych mediów, jak również współczesną krytyką kultury.


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How to Cite
Mularczyk, K. 2021. The individual Entangled in Modern Cultural Marxism According to Slavoj Žižek. Perspectives on Culture. 32, 1 (May 2021), 203-210. DOI: