Post-secular philosophy. Between theory and ideology

  • Paweł Grad Polish Academy of Sciences
Keywords: post secularism, philosophy of religion, ideology, the concept of religion


This text is devoted to showing that from the point of view of the tasks of science dealing with the description and explanation of the different aspects of religion, the post secular turn is only apparent. Its ostensi­ bleness lies in the fact that the program articulated by post-secular phi­ losophers suffers from a number of defects. Their accumulation leads to the conclusion that the post secular paradigm has never existed even as the seed of a theory of religious phenomena, but it has some of the characteristics of an ideology.
This article reconstructs subjects key philosophical positions asso­ ciated with the post secular turn (Philip Blond, Gianni Vattimo, John D. Caputo, Jürgen Habermas) to critical analysis in an effort to extract the relevant properties of post secular philosophy to indicate major de­ ficiencies. Next, I deal with the most important issue emerging from this analysis, namely, the question adopted by the post secular philoso­ phers of religion. In the last part I formulate conclusions regarding the applicability of post secular philosophy as a theoretical tool explaining the situation of religion in the post-modern world.

Author Biography

Paweł Grad, Polish Academy of Sciences

Is preparing a doctoral thesis at the SNS IFiS, Polish Academy of Sciences, devoted to the philosophy of religious language and the theory of secularization. Member of the editorial bo­ ard of the quarterly Christianitas. Author of O pojęciu tradycji. Studium krytyczne kultury pamięci [On the concept of traditions. Critical study of the culture of memory] (2017).


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How to Cite
Grad, P. 2018. Post-secular philosophy. Between theory and ideology. Perspectives on Culture. 21, 2 (Jun. 2018), 9-30.
Post‑secular mirages