Analysis of the use of social media by cultural institutions shown by the example of the Teatr Śląski in Katowice

  • Katarzyna Walotek‑Ściańska Jesuit University Ignatianum in Cracow
  • Justyna Jochem University of Economics in Katowice
Keywords: institutions of culture, theater, social media, promotion, image


The purpose of this article is to present the results of the analysis of ac­ tivities carried out by the Teatr Śląski in the social media and the im­ pact of these activities on the image of the institution. The study cov­ ered by social networking sites and blogs, where Teatr Śląski officially promotes its activities.

Author Biographies

Katarzyna Walotek‑Ściańska, Jesuit University Ignatianum in Cracow

Adjunct at the University Ignatianum in Cracow, Phd. in human sciences, member of Association for Inter­ national Federation Of Journalists (Ifj). Since 2009 she has been con­ sulting and providing advisory services in advertisement, media coo­ peration and building public relations for cultural institutions.

Justyna Jochem, University of Economics in Katowice

Graduate of journalism and social communication at the University of Economics in Katowice, specializing in Design of Visual Communication and Narration. Her current scientific inte­ rests concern marketing and public relations, in particular marketing communication in social media.


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How to Cite
Walotek‑Ściańska, K. and Jochem, J. 2018. Analysis of the use of social media by cultural institutions shown by the example of the Teatr Śląski in Katowice. Perspectives on Culture. 20, 1 (Mar. 2018), 9-26.
Social media and cultural institutions