Mediated communication in the theater – relationships between the theater and new technologies shown by selected examples

  • Anna Krzemińska Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow
Keywords: contemporary theater, multimedia, video screening, intermediality, mediated theatrical communication, promotion of performance, trailer, teaser, outdoor advertising, Krakow theater, new media


The theater is a meeting, an act of communication, direct transmis­ sion of content, image, and emotions. The theater of the 21st century changes an interpretative approach to the issue of theatrical communi­ cation by increasing the phenomena of media’s presence on stage and theater’s in the media. The aim of the article is to analyze the determi­ nants which define a communication process that takes place during a performance with regard to mediated communication. The analysis is based on examples from Krakow’s theaters: video screening on the stage, the creation of scenic design with the use of new technologies and new forms of advertising like teasers, trailers or LED screens. The phenomenon is described in the light of previous research in the fields of the theater, new media and audio‑visual communication.

Author Biography

Anna Krzemińska, Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow

PhD student at the Jesuit University Ignatianum in Cracow in Cultural Studies. Her areas of interest cover secular and sacred architecture, practical and the theoretical recognition of both professional and amateur theater on top of modern multimedia tech­ nologies and their use in the theater.


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How to Cite
Krzemińska, A. 2018. Mediated communication in the theater – relationships between the theater and new technologies shown by selected examples. Perspectives on Culture. 20, 1 (Mar. 2018), 27-38.
Social media and cultural institutions