Love Transposed in Silence. Wojciech (Albert) Męciński’s Vocation to Japan

  • Paweł F. Nowakowski Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow
Keywords: Wojciech (Albert) Męciński, Jesuits, Japanese missions, martyrdom


The article presents Wojciech (Albert) Męciński, S.J., (ca. 1598-1643), a Jesuit martyr and the first Pole to reach Japan through the prism of his vocation to the country. The outlined historical background of Męciński’s travel was supplemented by references to his letters, from which there emerges an image of a man deeply convinced about the necessity of a personal testimony of faith. The stability of Męciński’s decision – twenty years passed from the moment of making it to its re- alization – becomes clear after an analysis of deep religious motiva- tion. Męciński is almost silent about the country which is the objective of the journey of his life, stressing his devotion to Christ. On his way to Christ, he is heading to Japan, and thus combines the love of Christ with his willingness to give up his life in the country he did not know.

Author Biography

Paweł F. Nowakowski, Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow

Historian and theologian, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Cultural Studies of the Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow, Poland. He studies Czech religious disputes at the end of the Middle Ages, especially polemics revolving around Hus- sitism. His second area of interest are Euro-Japanese contacts over the centuries. He is the editor-in-chief of the “Perspektywy Kultury” (Per- spectives on Culture) academic journal.


Pol. 77-I, f. 92rv: The Letter of Albert Męciński to Muzio Vitelleschi, from Kalisz (15.03.1625).

Rom. 117, f. 79rv: The Letter of Albert Męciński to Muzio Vitelleschi, from Rome (1626).

Mediol. 95, f. 31rv: The Letter of Albert Męciński to Muzio Vitelleschi, from Milan (4.12.1626).

Jap. Sin. 38, f. 1rv: The Letter of Albert Męciński to Muzi Vitelleschi, from Avignon (26.12.1626).

Jap. Sin. 38, f. 2rv: The Letter of Albert Męciński to Muzio Vitelleschi, from Évora (4.04.1627).

Pol. 77-I, f. 139rv: The Letter of Albert Męciński to Muzio Vitelleschi, from Genoa (15.09.1628).

Pol. 77-I, f. 140r-141v: The Letter of Albert Męciński to Muzio Vitelleschi, from Cracow (24.11.1628).

Jap. Sin. 38, f. 3rv: The Letter of Albert Męciński to Muzio Vitelleschi, from Madrid (29.01.1631).

Jap. Sin. 38, f. 4rv: The Letter of Albert Męciński to Nuno Mascarenhasa, from Lisbon (19.04.1631).

Jap. Sin. 38, f. 5rv: The Letter of Albert Męciński to Oliviero Pensa, from Lis- bon (16.02.1633).

Jap. Sin. 38, f. 6rv: The Letter of Albert Męciński to Muzio Vitelleschi, from Lisbon (4.03.1633).

Jap. Sin. 38, f. 7rv: The Letter of Albert Męciński to Oliviero Pensa, from Goa (20.02.1634).

Jap. Sin. 38, f. 8rv: The Letter of Albert Męciński to Muzio Vitelleschi, from Cochin (19.04.1635).

Jap. Sin. 38, f. 9rv: The Letter of Albert Męciński to Muzio Vitelleschi, from Macau (3.01.1638).

Pol. 52, f. 291rv: The Letter of Albert Męciński to Saint Peter and Paul Col- lege, from Philippines (2.07.1642).

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How to Cite
Nowakowski, P.F. 2017. Love Transposed in Silence. Wojciech (Albert) Męciński’s Vocation to Japan. Perspectives on Culture. 19, 4 (Dec. 2017), 81-106.